Thursday, March 5, 2015

Storytime, Hair

Flannelboard: Little cat, little cat, are you under the red hat?

I copied and pasted several types of clip art hats-baseball cap, hockey mask, cowboy hat, top hat, etc. and hid a picture of a kitten behind one. We love doing guessing games in storytime!


Rhyme: These are Grandma's glasses from Storytime Katie
These are Grandma’s glasses
This is Grandma’s hat
This is the way she folds her hands
And lays them in her lap
Here are Grandpa’s glasses
And here is Grandpa’s hat
And here’s the way he folds his arms
And takes a little nap

Song: Silly hat song from Sur La Lune
On my head, I wear my hat.It is such a silly hatThat my head will wiggle waggle to and froWhere else can my silly hat go?
[Repeat using foot, elbow and knee.] 

Zoe's Hats
I found inspiration for this craft from Chadwick's Picture Place. For our craft we did haircuts. I drew out faces and upper bodies and let the little ones draw a face and glue on strips of paper and give their character a haircut.

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