Monday, January 26, 2015

Outreach Storytime, Rhymes

Theme: rhymes

This outreach was a makeup from last week, I got to see two groups, but was unable to see the third group due to scheduling conflicts. The kids in this class are oldest at this location, so I got to do more advanced activities.

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I hid the pages from the book and the kids had to use context clues and rhyming words to guess what color each elephant was.

I made up a few clip art pictures and had them laminated. I matched it up with the song "A Hunting we will go" from the King County Library System
A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go!
We’ll catch a fox and put him in a box,
And then we’ll let him go.
…mouse…put him in a house
…frog…put him on a log
…goat…put him in a boat
…bear…put him in a chair

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The kids didn't quite get the ending to this book. I thought it was hilarious, and Karma Wilson is one of my favorite authors. The kids love the Bear series, but not so much this title.

I got out the iPad next and played the animal sounds app. 

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The kids love singing along and making the noises for each animal. I come up with a different hand motion to go along with the sound too. (Note to self: find more books that I can sing.)

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